Niaron construction and civil engineering services 25 years of delivering


East Jetty Reclamation

Client: Shannon Foynes Port Company


The project encompassed the construction of a significant lengths of combi quay wall, comprising steel tubular piles fastened with tie rods to sheet pile anchor walls. Additionally, tidal foreshore was reclaimed to establish extensive new terminal yards. The construction activities took place within an operational port and adjacent to the Shannon Estuary Special Area of Conservation(SAC). Niaron enlisted the services of an archaeologist to conduct ongoing monitoring of the work area, ensuring that the construction activities did not negatively affect any sub-surface archaeological deposits, materials, or structures. The project involved a significant amount of complex works as follows:

  • To safeguard marine mammals during piling operations, a Marine Mammal Observer was on-site. The implementation of a soft start procedure, gradually ramping up equipment to full power, was adopted to minimize any potential impact on the area.
  • more than existing reinforced concrete fenders, each weighing more than 60 tons were taken down and transported off-site for disposal.
  • The existing molasses pipeline was decommissioned, removed, and any remaining molasses product was appropriately disposed.
  • A new large diameter molasses pipeline, along with a manifold chamber, was installed throughout the new terminal yard. On-site, the steel pipeline underwent welding and testing, and a corrosion protection wrap was applied.
  • The installation of a lighting system, designed by the contractor, featuring high mast lights. The project encompassed both the upgrade and maintenance of the current lighting infrastructure.
  • The construction of a new drainage system which ties into the existing drainage system, involving the installation of an interceptor. The pre-existing drainage system underwent a survey, with necessary maintenance and repairs carried out as needed.
  • The installation of 200mm diameter watermain and firemain within the new terminal yard was undertaken. This integration was carefully executed to connect seamlessly with the existing Port network during a scheduled and controlled shutdown.

All of the elements were constructed with minimum downtime to the operational port.

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